GR Solutions' core business is Australian Government Relations. We are
specialists in helping business work more effectively with Australian
Governments, minor political parties and Independents. Our in-depth
understanding of political and bureaucratic processes and our network of
contacts across the political spectrum, enables us to provide detailed
strategic guidance on the machinations of Government, the personalities
and the politics behind the politics relevant to achieving your
corporate objectives.
This political understanding is underpinned by
an intimate knowledge of the bureaucracies of each Government and how
decisions are made.
Our key Government Relations Services include:
effective corporate government relations strategies including Federal,
State and Local political contact programs;
Identifying and
consulting with key stakeholders;
relations with Ministers, Parliamentarians, senior regulators and
Legislative and
regulatory advice;
Policy analysis;
Advice on
Government procurement processes - including tenders and direct
Advice on
public-private partnerships, major projects, infrastructure and
Assistance with
development proposals and approvals;
Counsel on
Government and Parliamentary inquiries;
Assistance with
submissions and presentations;
Contributing to
debates, inquiries and questions in Federal and State Parliaments;
monitoring, intelligence gathering and strategic advice;
Issues and crisis
Government Relations Solutions Pty Ltd
ACN 125 233 543 |